Sunday, June 19, 2016

Crabtree Falls

Today marked the first time I have ever been legit hiking. We went hiking on Crabtree Falls, and it was absolutely gorgeous!! I got really really tired about halfway through, since it was all uphill, and we stopped and had pretzels and water. The waterfall was beautiful. There were overlooks every so often, and it was really cool. We waded in the water a bit, but the water was icy cold. Also, we weren't really supposed to wade in the water. At the top, it was absolutely magnificent. It was also a triumphant moment for everyone, since we had to go all uphill for 1.7 miles to get there. We stopped and had a snack at the top and then we went back down. I had no idea going downhill could be so scary and hard, but now I do. I sprained my ankle coming down, since it was mostly rocks. I tripped and fell multiple times. It really hurts to move my ankle! Also, I learned that I have old lady knees! My knees were killing me, but all the pain was worth it in the end!! All in all, his was a really awesome experience that was painful and very beautiful at the same time. Pictures are to come, but I wanted to get this post up. 

XOXO, Bookworm. 


Yesterday we observed Father's Day, since everyone is going different places today. I'm not going to Busch Gardens with the Karjanes because Declan didn't want to go, but we are going hiking instead. I'm not really into hiking, but it can't be too terrible because Rylan is doing it. I'm kind of nervous to be at the Karjanes for so long, but I know I will be fine. That's all for now but I promise I will update later!! 

XOXO, Bookworm! 

Saturday, June 18, 2016


I just found a bunch of posts from 2014, so I'm going to publish them for a bit of a flashback! 

Bookworm out! 


Hello! Summer vacation started yesterday for me, so today is kind of a chill day. June 16 and 17 are Norah and Josie's birthdays, respectively. Tomorrow, the Bookworm family splits into 4 parts: the younger sisters with the Verona Walshes in New Jersey (or New Josie, as we like to say around here), the boys to Portland with the Cory family, my parents to Maui, and me to the Karjanes' house. Also, tomorrow I am going to Busch Gardens with the Karjanes!! I am so excited but also very nervous! I will be he only Walsh in our home state. I will also be the only solo Walsh. I am VERY nervous and a bit scared. You will DEFINITELY be getting more updates from me this summer. It won't be like the last few years. I love you guys! Bye! 

Monday, March 28, 2016

Chilling on Spring Break

Happy Easter! Sorry I didn't post yesterday, but I had a busy morning and was hanging with my family in the afternoon. My mom worked last night, so we are just home by ourselves while my mom sleeps. Also, my dad had a class to teach, so we are watching Food Network and eating Easter candy. Tomorrow we go to Pittsburgh, and we are there until Saturday. I am so excited!! Have a great Spring Break!

Saturday, March 26, 2016

Spring Break

I am heading to Pittsburgh for Spring Break!! But first, Easter! My mom is working tonight and the next night, so we are leaving for Pittsburgh on Tuesday! I am very excited to see my new baby cousin, Annabelle Grace. Heather (Annabelle's mom) has a blog, so I get to see cute pictures of her constantly. She is so cute! That is all for now. I would say I will post more later, but I always forget. Anyways, I will try to post later. Love ya!